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Nine Killed In Terror Attacks In Northwest Pakistan

ISLAMABAD (TIP): At least ninepeople, including six militants, werekilled and ten others injured in twoseparate terror attacks in Pakistan’srestive northwest today.The militants attacked Maryanpolice station in Bannu area ofKhyber-Pakhtunkhwa province at 6.30am, triggering a fierce gun battle thatcontinued for about 90 minutes,killing six militants and injuring apoliceman.

The attack was successfullythwarted and six militants killed,District police chief Nisar Tanoli toldreporters.Reports said several of theattackers blew themselves up whileothers were shot dead. Tanoli said apoliceman was injured and the policestation was slightly damaged.He said the attackers appeared to beUzbeks.The banned Tehrik-e-TalibanPakistan claimed responsibility forthe attack.Taliban spokesman IhsanullahIhsan told reporters by phone thatsuicide bombers were involved in theattack, which was launched to avengethe killings of militants who were inthe custody of authorities.

Officials said the Taliban militantsfired rockets before attempting tostorm the police station.Bannu, which lies between thesettled area of Khyber- Pakhtunkhwaand the restive North Waziristantribal region, has witnessed severalmilitant attacks in recent years.Meanwhile, three persons werekilled and nine others injured when avehicle was targeted with animprovised explosive device inOrkazai tribal region, officials said.The incident occurred at HasanzaiBazar in Orakzai Agency, one ofPakistan’s seven semi-autonomoustribal districts.The injured were taken to a nearbyhospital, where doctors described thecondition of some as critical.Personnel from the Khasadarmilitia cordoned off the area andlaunched a search operation.No group has claimed responsibilityfor the attack.

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