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Eric Schneiderman on #OrlandoShooting

This weekend’s tragedy in Orlando – the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history – was not only an act of terrorism, but an unspeakable hate crime directed at our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. The nation’s outpouring of support for the grieving families has been inspirational. But as we mourn, we must also come together to confront the challenge of combating terrorism here at home. Together, we must demand that Congress finally pass common sense gun control measures that can prevent the loss of innocent lives to gun violence.

Fortunately, Hillary Clinton is doing exactly that, and reminding us of every American’s unalienable right to feel safe and welcome in our country. Sadly, Donald Trump is doing the opposite and even trying to divide us. Just one day after the massacre, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States.

Vilifying the entire Muslim community based on the actions of one terrorist is profoundly un-American. It goes against everything we stand for as a country founded on religious freedom. And it will make us less safe.

The response to hatred cannot be more hatred. Now is the time for us to come together and work towards the America we need and deserve.

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