An action packed thriller, Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman is the story of a woman accidentally caught in a dark deal. She turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic. Written and directed by Luc Besson, Lucy will release in cinemas across India in August 1, 2014. Based on the hypothesis that humans use only a small portion of their brains at any given time, this is the story of Lucy (Johansson), a carefree young student living in Taiwan who is tricked by her boyfriend and held hostage by the merciless Mr. Jang (CHOI MIN SIK),whose thugs surgically implant in Lucy a package loaded with a powerful synthetic substanceone that would likely kill her if it were to leak.

When the chemical is accidentally unleashed in and absorbed by Lucy’s system, her body begins the unimaginable: her cerebral capacity is unlocked to startling, and previously hypothetical, levels. As she attempts to comprehend and incorporate the incredible changes in her mind and body, Lucy begins to feel everything around her-space, air, vibrations, people, even gravity-and develop superhuman traits including telepathy, telekinesis, expanded knowledge and breathtaking control over matter.

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