Legislate now to give women their due dignity

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My thoughts, perforce, turn to India. It is not that there is not much here in USA to engage my attention. In fact, USA is probably going through one of the worst times in history. Imagine, the long drawn period of recession and economic downturn; the loss of jobs; rise in unemployment, growing violence and propensity towards a gun culture that has claimed many innocent lives and finally made Americans sit up and think whether so many and so easily available guns are really needed.

Well, I am stressed to consider these situations here. But of late India has drawn my attention more than the difficult situation here. First, the monster of corruption extending its tentacles is a frightening picture. Add to it, the culture of growing violence against women. It is a shame for a country that takes pride in its culture and value system to allow the kind of indignities the women are subjected to.

The protests in the wake of the tragic death of a 23 year old rape victim give me hope that it is the beginning of a realization, particularly among the young people, that the male mindset towards women need to change. A debate has started, with people of all ages and from all walks of life participating. And I am sanguine serious debates do bring in positive results. Let us hope a stricter law to deal with sexual harassment cases will soon be in place and the legal system will ensure time bound verdict in these cases.

More than the common people who have let it be known that they do not approve of what happened to the unfortunate young lady, it is the responsibility of politicians and the lawmakers to prove their sincerity to people whom they represent. Let them not commit the mistake of testing the patience of people of India.

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