Hillary Clinton’s VP shortlist has leaked

Hillary Clinton's VP shortlist has leaked
Hillary Clinton's VP shortlist has leaked

NEW YORK (TIP): On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal’s Laura Meckler and Colleen McCain Nelson broke the news that Hillary Clinton is vetting Elizabeth Warren for the vice presidency – but not vetting Bernie Sanders. In the process, they provided a shortlist of candidates that Clinton is considering.

Beyond the Massachusetts  senator, other prospective candidates include Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro; Sens. Tim Kaine of Virginia, Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Cory Booker of New Jersey; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, and Reps. Xavier Becerra of California and Tim Ryan of Ohio, several Democrats said.

Now, this isn’t necessarily an exhaustive list, and Meckler and Nelson note that the vetting is still in early stages, using publicly available information rather than asking candidates to submit tax returns and the like.

Nonetheless, this list is the best information we’ve gotten about who Clinton is considering, and it includes some names that haven’t popped up in prior media speculation. All of these candidates have obvious strengths that have put them on this list, but of course, they each have their weaknesses as well.

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