The Fascinating Stories of Achievements of Women

By Anu Jain

What women have achieved and what they are capable to achieving is a fascinating topic to write about, I suppose it’s a topic every woman has thought about at one point in her life, at least those of us old enough to know that roles have changed over time. In 21st century, women enjoy more freedom and power than ever before, entering in the job market and the political arena in greater number than ever. Women’s education and income continue to rise in the 21st century due to the steadily growing percentage of women in college in the past few years.

Women are taking care of their responsibility with pride in all fields precisely; we have many examples around usincluding our Vice President Kamla Harris is strong example of women achievements Indra Nooyi a business executive and the past Chairperson and CEO of PepsiCo, the second largest food and beverage business in the world. Indra Gandhi who was the Prime Minister of India and Janet Louise Yellen is an American economist. She is serving as the United States secretary of the treasury and she

was the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and there are many woman entrepreneurs who are successfully leading and handling businesses.

A decade ago, they were given roll in the movies mostly for singing dancing or supporting male actors, nowadays their rolls are so diversified including roles as a police officer or detective etc. which were initially played only by male actors. And I am convinced that women’s value will not be in trying to imitate men or in becoming more like men. Our value will be in honoring our womanhood and femininity and offering to the world the wisdom that we hold. Many women who don’t have enough confidence think that by not obtaining a degree or having work experience it means that they are not contributing anything to the world. It is very clear to me that what the world needs most urgently is not another business executive, not another PhD holder or not another lawyer. These things may be important but alone they won’t bring us a world of peace in the next century.

What the world needs very simply are individuals with commitments and genuineness at heart. The world is starving for this heart! And as a woman of commitment, we must have the confidence that we can, and we will make a difference despite of what our background is.

Let us remember that with our special qualities as women also comes a unique responsibility. Only a woman can bear a child. Only a woman can be a mother. In addition to bearing, nurturing and raising our own children, we share a united responsibility to maintain, uplift and improve each of our hometown cities and nation. Personally, I feel more confident and have a great feeling of flowing with the time and adjusting with whatever comes in my way and I am enjoying the new and improved womanhood on a day-to-day basis………. Naree tum Shakti ho…

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