Just do it: Chinese city tells cadres to set example and have second child

SHANGHAI (TIP): With China facing a demographic crisis of stalling birth rates and a fast-ageing population, one city has taken a novel approach: a direct call to action aimed at young government officials to lead the way and have a second child.

The government of Yichang city in central Hubei province posted an open letter calling for young cadres to have more children to stem a slide in birth rates in the city which has started to hit economic growth.

China’s demographic time-bomb has become increasingly urgent of late as the country faces its slowest economic growth in a quarter of a century, with a sluggish manufacturing sector hit by a dearth of cheap labor due in part to a shrinking workforce.

“Young cadres have to take the lead having a second child, while elder cadres should urge them on,” the letter said, citing the need to bolster the city’s working population and raise a fertility rate that has fallen below one child per woman. “If things continue as they are, it will bring huge risk and damage to our city’s economic and social development, as well as the livelihood of our families,” said the letter, stamped by official departments including the city’s health bureau. China last year said it would ease family planning restrictions to allow all couples to have two children after decades of a strict one-child policy, a move aimed at relieving demographic strains on the world’s second largest economy.

Beijing has loosened the rules over the last few years in the face of concerns the strict policy was leading to a shrinking workforce unable to support a fast-growing elderly population. By around the middle of this century, one in every three Chinese is forecast to be over 60. “The low birth rate has aggravated the risk of the one-child policy, led to an ageing population, a shortfall in the labour force, and lagging urbanisation, which hits the city’s labour productivity and overall competitiveness,” the letter said. The open letter, picked up by domestic media late on Sept 21 but dated September 13, has received a mixed response.

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