Republican Candidate Ted Cruz Calls to Suspend H-1B Visa for 6 Months

WASHINGTON:  A leading Republican presidential candidate has called for suspending the issuance of H-1B visa for six months to investigate abuses against the most sought work visa by Indian IT professionals.

“In order to strengthen our immigration system, protect national security and better serve American workers, we must suspend the issuance of all H-1B visas for 180 days to complete a comprehensive investigation and audit of pervasive allegations of abuse of the program,” said Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz as he rolled out his immigration reform plan.

“New allegations detail appalling abuses of the H-1B visa program – a program meant to create American jobs and spur economic growth. I will suspend the program for 180 days to investigate abuses,” said Mr Cruz whose popularity ratings in the last few weeks have increased nationwide.

Interestingly, as a Senator from Texas, Mr Cruz had backed quintupling the number of H-1B visas. Mr Cruz also called for halting increases in legal immigration so long as American unemployment remains unacceptably high.

“The purpose of legal immigration should be to grow the economy, not to displace American workers. Under no circumstances should legal immigration levels be adjusted upwards so long as work-force participation rates remain below historical averages,” he said.

Cruz sought to end birthright citizenship. “Birthright citizenship was not intended to legalise the children of people who are breaking the law by entering and staying in the country illegally. I will take steps to pass legislation or a constitutional amendment to end it,” Mr Cruz said.

In his speech in Orlando, Florida Mr Cruz said if elected as the president he will suspend the H-1B program for 180 days to investigate abuses and enact fundamental reforms of this program to ensure that it protects American workers.

“A Cruz administration will enforce existing protections for American workers and amend the H-1B visa program to fulfill its original purpose,” he said.

Calling for creating a “layoff cool-off” period for all H-1B visa applications, he said companies must wait one or two years between laying off a worker and bringing in any H-1B foreign workers to ensure that the program is not used to displace American workers.

Observing that the recent lack of federal oversight of the H-1B visa program has fueled a cottage industry of diploma mills, he said, foreign academic institutions must meet minimum accreditation standards at least as stringent as those imposed on American universities in order to qualify for the advanced-degree requirement.

Under his plan, Mr Cruz said companies will provide sworn statements and documentation that detail their efforts to hire Americans before requesting foreign workers through the H-1B visa program.

Individuals who make false statements in these affidavits will be subject to perjury charges, he said.


  1. Ted Cruz only man fighting amnestiy and illegal immigration where was trump when TED Cruz has fought obama and Rubio on amnesty TRUMP IS ALL TALK HE BEEN LIBERAL FOR 15 YR HE NOT CONSERVATIVE TED CRUZ CONSERVATIVE only conservative in this race Ronald Reagan consatative fighting washington cartel

  2. It will
    create no difference to me of what the mainstream press publishes, to hopefully
    crush Donald Trumps meaningful race towards the White House. All I know is that
    my conviction goes to Donald Trump, whereas the others who stand behind the
    dais at every potential nominee performance either slips intently through the
    loophole on illegal immigration. When questioned most say almost nothing about
    the illegal alien incursion, except for Ted Cruz.? As a second choice Senator Cruz
    gets my vote, as like Trump speaks his mind on any stage, but additionally
    before of the full House of Representatives. I am very leery of any of the
    others, who most cannot answer a straight forward question on this human curse,
    that is swallowing a cornucopia of welfare benefits that should be flowing to
    our citizens/Lawful residence and more so our Seniors, Veterans and truly honest low income
    families. It’s a very sly invasion by the non-admission parents who arrive with
    children, or pass them off as orphans and infiltrate America from every nation in the world.
    These are not undocumented immigrants/ immigrant or anything else but–foreign
    nationals or ILLEGAL ALIENS.

    thing is King Obama does not have the right under Article I, Section 8, clause 4 of the Constitutions to
    direct immigration. At that time the Articles called
    Immigration–naturalization and the only the Congress had the power to write
    the naturalization laws, not the President of these United States.

    The battle
    will commence over Birthright Citizenship (14th Amendment) and could be
    dismissed by the Supreme Court, but it’s worth the state prosecutors to
    hopefully get the case heard. However nobody could guess on the outcome, as
    through the laws according to the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights must
    be interpreted correctly, but this isn’t always the judgment of the courts; it
    doesn’t necessary mean the judges will follow prior laws. If Donald Trump does
    become the nominee and his race to the White House is not stealthily rigged
    from the time of the Iowa caucuses onwards, then as Commander in Chief he can
    use Presidential privilege, to proceed with the mass deportation which would be
    a costly affair, especially if there is an alternative? Dismissal within the
    high judiciary cannot be applied to MANDATORY E-VERIFY as the Rule of Law?

    As of this
    time there is no mandated E-Verify, as it’s up to the states how they operate
    it? Corporate and industry didn’t like its apparent objective, so the politicians
    who approved it were bought by the rich donors by investing in their campaigns?
    Mandated E-Verify ends with certainty,
    no access to CHEAP LABOR, and so the few states that observe it as mandated law
    saw it as a lost cause. This proposal is essential to fortifying immigration
    enforcement and the Donald Trump wall.

    E-Verification should be set up right now on a huge scale, with the necessary
    recruitment of an army of ICE agents to audit businesses around the country.
    Every company or workplace entity should be treated the same with no exceptions,
    from largest corporate factory to the landscape workers. Trumps wall is a good
    beginning and stop wholesale movement across the Southern border to end the
    drug, gun, and illegal alien traffickers with the assistance of the Border
    Patrol or even the National Guard. This is a time of imminent danger for our
    nation as it’s not secure and will eventually be attacked by Muslim radicals. It
    is not “if” it is when ISIS, or any other terrorist organizations comes this way.

    King Obama
    is gives the impression to be lying low from all the critics, as if he has some
    secret agenda relating to our domestic and foreign policies. This man just
    follows through on everything that is negative to our nation. It is beyond me
    that Congress has not collecting signatures to impeach this man, WHERE IS THE
    FROM DRIVING AMERICA INTO MORE DEBT, Allowing criminal war combatants from
    their incarceration in GITMO, Cuba and place them in US penitentiaries.
    The issues keep confronting him and he walks away from him as if they don’t
    exist. Probably very dangerous Muslim extremist are already here because of
    lour already slack borders and no serious exit/entry digital tracking system at
    any ports?

    Doesn’t seem
    odd that King Obama didn’t journey to France, when delegates of many foreign
    countries flew in to offer their condolences?

    Americans maybe sympathetic and passionate for the strife of the Syrian people,
    it makes no sense to add more welfare recipients to the illegal alien invaders
    already pouring in owing to Obamas executive orders. We already have 1000 of
    criminal aliens being let loose around us, without any indication of where the
    Bureau of Prisons dropped them off? As
    to the refugees It seems to me more plausible to send shipments of food, tent
    shelter and cold hard cash to the charities over in there country of origin,
    instead of taking them out of their environment. The CIA and security
    organizations says they have no possibility of investigating any of these
    individuals, as personal records are none existent over in that part of the
    middle east. This is a risky as any man or women could be a fanatical religious
    crazy as we have no way of knowing who they are? These butchers are human time
    bombs and don’t care if they live or die for there abhorrent, fixated cause.

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