Cuomo says 21% of NYC found infected with coronavirus in random tests

More than one in five New York City residents tested positive for coronavirus in a new random study, Gov. Cuomo said Thursday, April 23 Photo / Courtesy Mike Groll/Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

ALBANY, NY (TIP): New York State Governor Cuomo said a shocking 21% of people from the five boroughs of New York City who were tested outside supermarkets were found inflicted with COVID-19. Men slightly outnumbered women.

The governor said the stunning assessment — which means up to two million New Yorkers in the city have gotten the virus — will shape the state and city’s plans to reopen at some point from the devastating. pandemic.

“What you do in a place with 21% is very different,” he said. “The facts dictate the action.”

Statewide, 13.9% of New Yorkers tested positive for the antibodies that are produced when people fight off the virus.

Long Island had a 16.7% rate. Westchester and Rockland clocked in at 11.7%.

Upstate, just 3.9% tested positive in the study, which covered 19 counties and 40 municipalities.

Cuomo announced the figures as the daily death toll dipped a bit to 438 Thursday, April 23.

The governor bemoaned the fact that New York has flattened the coronavirus curve, but still has about 1,300 new hospitalizations a day.

“We’ve basically flattened it out at about 1,300 people coming through the door,” he said. “And that’s not great. We’d like to see it going down faster.”

(Source: Daily News)

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