Covid vaccines didn’t cause sudden deaths, says new ICMR study

A recent peer-reviewed study conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has dispelled concerns about an increased risk of sudden death among young adults in India due to Covid-19 vaccination.
Instead, the study suggests that factors such as post-Covid hospitalisation, family history of sudden death, and certain lifestyle behaviours may be the underlying causes.
The research, involving 47 tertiary care hospitals across the country, focused on apparently healthy individuals aged 18-45 without known health issues who unexpectedly died between October 2021 and March 2023.
Data collection involved interviews to gather information on Covid-19 vaccination, infection, post-Covid conditions, family history, smoking, recreational drug use, alcohol consumption, binge drinking, and intense physical activity in the 48 hours preceding death. The study emphasised the positive associations between lifestyle factors like smoking, alcohol use frequency, binge drinking, recreational drug use, and vigorous physical activity with unexplained sudden death.
The frequency of alcohol use was highlighted as a contributing factor.
Contrary to concerns, the study found that two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine lowered the odds of unexplained sudden death, whereas a single dose did not.
Overall, the study affirmed the documented benefits of COVID-19 vaccination in preventing all-cause mortality across various age groups and settings.
The research was prompted by anecdotal reports of sudden unexplained deaths among seemingly healthy young adults in India during the pandemic.
It highlighted the need to investigate such cases more thoroughly, considering the potential links to COVID-19 or vaccination.
While acknowledging that COVID-19 may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, the study noted a lack of understanding regarding the pathways through which the virus could lead to sudden deaths.
It also highlighted the scarcity of evidence for sudden deaths among COVID-19-recovered individuals or those with breakthrough infections.
The study contributes valuable insights into the factors influencing sudden deaths among young adults in India and emphasises the importance of a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing these occurrences.


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