Indian American Professor Sandeep Krishnamurthy becomes Cal Poly Pomona biz school dean

Sandeep Krishnamurthy has taken over as Singelyn Family Dean of the College of Business Administration and Singelyn Graduate School of Business.

CAL POLY POMONA, CA (TIP): Sandeep Krishnamurthy, a distinguished Indian American professor has taken over as Singelyn Family Dean of the College of Business Administration and Singelyn Graduate School of Business – one of the largest business schools in the nation — at Cal Poly Pomona. “Dr Krishnamurthy brings a passion for cooperation among students, faculty, and staff that will promote the academic mission of the college and Cal Poly Pomona when he takes office on July 1, 2023,” said Jennifer L. Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Krishnamurthy comes to Cal Poly Pomona in California from School of Business at the University of Washington (UW), Bothell, where he has taught and led for more than a quarter century while building a demonstrated record of success.
He has served as the school’s founding dean since 2012, having become director of the business program in 2009 with the goal of elevating it to a separate school, according to his official profile.
Krishnamurthy continued to bolster campus fundraising with major industry conferences, a speaker series, an annual gala, and interdisciplinary degree programs. In addition to his institutional innovations, Krishnamurthy is sought after as a published author, speaker at conferences, expert witness, and media commentator.
He received his post-graduate diploma with a concentration in Marketing and Finance from XLRI in Jamshedpur, India and his B. Tech degree in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai.
He then earned a PhD in Marketing from the University of Arizona with a minor in Economics in 1996. He then joined UW Bothell as an assistant professor before rising in the ranks to dean.
Krishnamurthy’s work in establishing the School of Business at UW Bothell as a major regional partner has also led to the success of three major industry conferences — the Accounting Business Conference, Connect – Supply Chain Management Conference and the Pacific Northwest MBA Conference.
He also launched three speaker series – Meet the CEO, Frontiers of Global Business and the Nintex Leadership Breakfast Series – that have become must-go events on the local business calendar. He also hosts an annual gala that brings in over 200 business leaders, supporting student scholarships and key programs within the School of Business.
Krishnamurthy is also a sought-out speaker himself, giving talks on e-commerce at conferences, workshops and research gatherings around the world. He has been an invited speaker in Portugal, India, Canada and Taiwan, among other places.

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