Do you feel anxious, uncertain vis-a-vis certain relationships? Do you feel that you are saying ‘Yes’ too many times when deep within all you want to say is ‘No’? Learn to reset your personal boundaries in relationships

Cheryl Richardson’s said correctly, “When your soul says no, say no. Say it gracefully. Say it lovingly. Say it with confidence. And don’t defend your position, over explain, or welcome debate.”

Saying ‘No’ means setting clear personal boundaries. This is essential to have a mutually respectful, supportive and caring relationship. If you feel stressed/uncomfortable by others’ demands / expectations from you, then the time has come for outlining the boundaries. This will free you from any unwanted feeling of being used. Weak boundaries leave you vulnerable and likely to be taken for granted.

Yes, the truth is that initially people around you (for whom you outline the boundary) will not take it kindly. This is solely for their own selfish purpose. They have been used to their own convenience with very little respect for your well-being. So, in simple terms, they are not your well-wishers. So, when you set your boundaries, you might lose some of your so-called friends. But let them go. They are not worth your time or energy.

Say no, reset your boundaries

Do you feel anxious, uncertain vis-a-vis certain relationships? Do you feel that you are saying ‘Yes’ too many times when deep within all you want to say is ‘No’? Set aside some time to write down the ways people around you make you feel. Be honest while writing it down in clear terms. And then decide what exactly you want to do to not face such unpleasant and unhealthy feelings.

Remember this

As they say, ‘No’ is a complete sentence. Be consistent with your new boundaries.

Be very clear in your thought process. You want to say ‘No’ cause you feel so from deep within.

Stay calm at all times. Be firm. Be rooted.

Be responsible for your own emotional wellness.

Don’t feel guilty in saying ‘No’.

Remember there’s no point in carrying forward toxic relationships. By saying No, you are committing a crime.

Invest your time and energy in doing things that matter to you.

And remember less is more. So having two happy, positive, joyful friends is far better than having 10 toxic relationships.

Once you have established strong, clear boundaries, people will give you more respect. You will reclaim your own self and you will feel less stressed. Emotional manipulators will be relegated to the background and you will embrace happy, loving relationships.

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